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Game Store Partner Profile: Digital Download Game World

This is the second post in a new series of profiles of GameStreamer game store partners.


A recent GameStreamer game store partner, Digital Download Game World Inc. was created in 2008 as a group of like-minded video game enthusiasts, developers and retailers to observe and report on the growth of the digital distribution sector of the video game industry. Marketed globally, the website sees the majority of its traffic coming, in order of volume, from the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K.


Digital Download Game World 


Digital Download Game World likes to work directly with indie game developers to show the world that digital distribution is allowing for great game design concepts from even the smallest of studios to make it in this competitive marketplace.


The site also communicates with developers, retailers and readers about the continual growth and change in the digital distribution sector of the video game industry.


We wanted to get to know DD Game World even better, so we asked CEO Dan Awadalla to tell us more about his site and his gaming habits.


GameStreamer: What are your goals with DD Game World? Future plans or news?


Dan Awadalla: With significant growth since we started with our small forum site a few years ago, we have discovered that this new branch of the video game industry is filled with opportunity and pitfalls. At Digital Download Game World Inc., we are discovering our niche in consultation, design and industry reporting.  


In the near future, we will continue to provide indie developers with the advice they need to succeed and will continue to select and report our favorite stories from this exciting industry. Don't be surprised to see some of our own titles launching in the mobile arena, as well. 


GS: Your site is known for its Toronto-area events. Do you have any coming up? What has been your favorite event?

DA: The Toronto geek and gaming scene is as good as it gets anywhere, and we are lucky to have so many friends who are very active in keeping it that way.  I would have to say FanExpo and GamerCamp are two of my favorite events. Microsoft Canada and Sony Entertainment Canada are both well known for their great Toronto-based preview and launch parties.


GS: What’s your favorite video game or franchise?

DA: Personally, I have been playing video games since 1976, my first game, of course, being the ATARI PONG home console. So I always find this question difficult. My fondest memory is playing Kareteka on the Commodore 64 and Karate Champ in the Arcade. More recently, my favorite franchises seem to come from Ubisoft Montreal and include Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell as both still have the capability to produce immersive single-player experiences in a continually saturated market. For multiplayer gaming, it's gotta be a shooter. I prefer the Call of Duty and Battlefield series depending on my mood.


GS: If you could have a superpower for one day, what would it be?

DA: Without a doubt, Time Shifting. I'd start my day in a coin-op arcade and end it on a HoloDeck!  


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