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Publisher Profile: Iceberg Interactive

This is the second post in a new series of profiles of GameStreamer publishers and independent developers.


Iceberg Interactive focuses on PC gaming with an emphasis on simulators, adventure and MMO/action games. Although the company is just two years old, its leadership has a combined 70 years in the game publishing business. Staff members have been involved in all aspects of the industry, from public relations and sales to producing and development. They’re also avid gamers themselves.

Because of their experience in the industry and love of gaming, Iceberg treats every release as a ‘flagship’ title. They understand the amount of time and effort that goes into a game and they invest the same passion and dedication to bringing games to a worldwide audience. Iceberg has more than 30 titles, which are promoted through community contests on the corporate site. GameStreamer carries several of the games, including Craft of Gods and the new title Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok.


Craft of Gods Iceberg Interactive


We talked to Iceberg Interactive’s Project Manager Lex Suurland to get the inside scoop on the company’s name, game selection and Suurland’s favorite games past and present.


GameStreamer: How did Iceberg get its name?
Lex Suurland: The name Iceberg is actually representing the human mind which is much like an iceberg. Ninety percent is under water / the subconscious. Our CEO came up with that stuff. We also have a catchy company tag line: Play it cool.

GS: What was the first game Iceberg published?
LS: Iceberg has formed a big catalogue of games fast but the first game we published (in retail) was Restaurant Empire 2.

GS: Do you remember the first game you ever played? What was it?
LS: My first game, that's hard! It must be Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega or Duck Hunt on the Nintendo. Loved both games when I was a kid and still think about the old days when you where playing a single level for more than two hours.

GS: Describe your favorite aspect of working at Iceberg.
LS: The favorite part is constantly working with new games. We release about 12 games a year and every single game is different. Iceberg Interactive is a real retail publisher. It is up to me that Iceberg will also have a great digital catalog.

GS: How do you select which games to publish?
LS: Our Senior Development Manager is the big catalyst in this area. He is just very involved in the development community and always on the prowl. We also get offered plenty games from developers or third parties. Once we spot quality games that are affordable, we will chase them.

GS: What do you think sets Iceberg apart from other publishers?
LS: Through years of experience, Iceberg really has developed an eye for quality. And because we are gamers ourselves first and foremost, we have a good idea of what gamers want. We are also a force now in several niche genres such as adventure games and simulation games. I guess we have a reputation for that and for indie-developed games. We also focus on PC. That's pretty rare, too.

GS: Can you give us a sneak peek at new games on the horizon?
LS: We have several launches in the coming months; some of them retail only, some of them via GameStreamer as well. We recommend keeping an eye out for the space sim / RPG Starpoint Gemini and the Cornwall-developed horror adventure Bracken Tor.

GS: If you could be any game character, who would you be and why?
LS: That must be Master Chief from the Halo series. Have played Halo 2 and 3 for a great amount of time. Loved the online gameplay.

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